"A freak accident has left a mother and her two daughters widowed [via Newser]. Doug Symiczek, 49, took his two sons-in-law, Kyle Parton, 29, and Jacob Griffiths, 32, on a short flight the morning of July 6."
"Both of the young men left behind pregnant wives."
Thursday, July 31, 2014
10 Compliments Guys Give You and What They Actually Mean
1. When he says, "Your friends are so great." He really means, "I can actually tolerate being around them." The odds a guy will love everyone in your inner circle is pretty slim. When he tells you that your friends are great, he really just means he's glad none of them are criminally insane or Charlotte.

2. When he says, "I think you look great in both of those dresses." He really means, "I have no idea what I'm supposed to say here." Even if a guy likes something, he's afraid his opinion won't match up to yours. This move is the equivalent of a turtle retreating into its shell when approached by a predator.
3. When he says, "I love that new lipstick." He really means, "Look! I noticed you did something different!"Most men don't care about new makeup, but they care about scraping the bottom of the barrel for brownie points. He probably does love your new lipstick, but he's also looking for a pat on the head.
4. When he says, "You have a great sense of humor." He really means, "Finally. Someone who laughs at my jokes." It's great when you have someone you can rely on whenever you tell a dumb joke at a party.
5. When he says, "Let's just stay in together." He really means, "I want to have sex." FACT: Most restaurants don't let you have sex in them. If he can keep you cuddled up with a movie, he's increased the chances he can have sex with you tenfold.
6. When he says, "You look so pretty!" He really means, "I can't stop having arousing thoughts about you." If men said any of their internal monologues out loud, we'd be pepper-sprayed eight times a day. "You're so pretty" is our brain's way of forcing out as few words as possible before saying something idiotic and/or obscene and creeping you out more than the bowl-cut dude from No Country for Old Men.
7. When he says, "I don't normally like cats, but I love yours." He really means, "I hate all cats and that includes your cat." People don't just coincidentally love their girlfriend's pet when they normally hate all pets. That's like saying, "I hate all animated musicals about ice princesses but Frozenreally managed to transcend that." Unless your cat is a dog, he is lying.
8. When he says, "You give the best advice." He really means, "I am an idiot. Please tell me how to do everything." Listen, when we don't know what to do, we'll never cop to it. Coming to you for advice is our way of doing whatever you tell us to do with admitting that was the plan all along. You just gotInceptioned, probably.
9. When he says, "You're a great cook." He really means, "I will never, ever tell you that I would rather be eating a Big Mac right now." Maybe you really are a great cook. Maybe he loves your cooking. You will never know for sure.
10. When he says, "Oh, I don't mind spending the night with your family." He really means, "I am saying a silent prayer that the demons of hell will open a rift in the earth and take me now." He probably doesn't even want to spend time with his own family. It isn't that he hates your family, but if he's spending time with them, it means he has to be on point all night. He can't slip up, he can't misbehave, or your family will rip him apart like a pack of wolves that love you and raised you.
10 Compliments All Guys Love to Hear
1. "You smell great, like a lumberjack that rolled around in a puddle of Nutella." If there's one thing romantic comedies have drilled into guys' heads, it's that they need to smell like fresh sandalwood and boysenberries so that when they inadvertently leave their shirt at their girlfriends' house, she can spend all day smelling it and staring at the ceiling and pining for them. It makes guys feel really good when you act like they smell like anything other than Irish Springs bar soap.

2. "I feel safe with you." Men want to feel like a giant cuddly teddy bear/murderous black bear hybrid. This one covers all the bases because it's like you're telling them you feel safe in their arms, but you also would feel safe in the event that you were both attacked by a wolf.
3. "Have you been working out?" Just pretend he has muscles, OK?
4. "You're really handy around the house." Blame the far-reaching and deeply ingrained dogma of Home Improvement, but it's manly as hell to be able to fix a sink or refurbish whatever it is you refurbish (chairs?). If you can make a guy feel like he's Ty Pennington just because he wedged a book under that wobbly table, he'll feel great for weeks.
5. "You have a nice butt." Just because, "Hey, nice penis!" sounds creepy. And who doesn't want a nice butt?
6. "You dress so well." Most men don't know how to dress. If he ever tucks his dress shirt into his pants, he probably thinks he pulled off a Justin Timberlake-level move. Congratulate him on having the fashion sense to not look like he just came off a week-long bender.
7. "Your job is so cool." Most people don't really like their jobs, and the fact that they spend a lot of their life there is pretty depressing. Hearing you say you're actually jealous of what they do for a living is a great pick-me-up.
8. "You crack me up." According to Pinterest, Marilyn Monroe once said, "If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything." Like date you.
9. "You're so good at going down on me." Men are still stuck with the antiquated notion of being providers, and that includes providing orgasms to your vagina, dammit. Men need to know that they are the best orgasm-giver you have ever been with and further, that everyone else has a smaller penis.
10. "You have the most kissable lips." We are just programmed to back away slowly when you start giving compliments about physical appearance. This one is OK though because it also means you want to kiss us.
11. "You really turn me on." Telling your boyfriend that you not only find him physically attractive, but that you actually have to physically resist the urge to jump his bones all the time is the second-highest honor you can pay a man. (The highest honor is knighthood, obviously).
She Looks So Perfect
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Simmer down, simmer down
They say we're too young now to amount to anything else
But look around
We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now
If you don't swim, you'll drown
But don't move, honey
They say we're too young now to amount to anything else
But look around
We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now
If you don't swim, you'll drown
But don't move, honey
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Let's get out, let's get out
'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down
While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking
If I showed up with a plane ticket
And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it
Would you wanna run away too?
'Cause all I really want is you
'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down
While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking
If I showed up with a plane ticket
And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it
Would you wanna run away too?
'Cause all I really want is you
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
I made a mix-tape straight out of '94
I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor
And I know now, that I'm so down
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
I made a mix-tape straight out of '94
I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor
And I know now, that I'm so down
Hey! Hey, hey, hey hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down (hey!)
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down (hey!)
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
15 Best Things About Being Close With Your Mom
1. You look forward to going home. You don't even need a holiday or some other occasion. Sometimes you just go home for the weekend just to spend time with her.

2. You have the most amazing role model in your life. It doesn't matter what she's done for a living — she's always shown you what it means to be a loving, successful human.
3. You have a travel companion who doesn't get offended when you get hangry. Your best friend gets offended when you snap at her. Your boyfriend gets annoyed. Your mom has a granola bar in her purse for you even though you're 28, and will silently hand it to you and ignore you until you chill out.
4. When something great happens there's no doubt in your mind who you'll call first. It takes approximately 0.2 seconds from when HR calls you with a job offer to when you call your mom to tell her.
5. When something bad happens she'll be there faster than your best friend even if she lives in another state. Your ex-boyfriend better hope he never runs into her, unless he wants to be murdered.
6. You still use your phone to talk, but only to her. Your voicemail log just alternates between "mom" and "home" (and "landlord").
7. But now that she's discovered texting it's hilarious. Half the text screenshots in your phone are from her.
8. She treats your best friend like her own child to the point where your bestie even calls her mama. "Why haven't you brought Willow over for dinner lately?"
9. You're guaranteed at least one like/favorite on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram because she likes everything you do. And she will probably like it within five minutes of you posting it.
10. She's the best person to go shopping with because she's the only one who is completely honest. And she will probably buy you that shirt.
11. You already know how you're going to parent your kids, because you're going to raise them just how you were raised. Except you won't say no when they ask for a Barbie Jeep.
12. She sends you inspirational emails when she knows you're having a bad week. And she signs all her emails, "love ya," even when she's guilting you about something.
13. You never have to explain who anyone is, because she keeps track of all your friends. She even always knows which Jess you're referring to.
14. You don't worry about turning into her, because you want to. Why wouldn't you want to?
15. You feel bad for everyone else because they do not have the best mom. Sorry everyone.
The 10 Best Things About Being Close With Your Dad
1. You have an on-call repair man. And mover. No matter what happens to your place, you know you can call your dad any second, and he'll have the genius fix for it even at 3 a.m. when Google fails. And moving? It's no question he'll be there, packing and carrying those heavy boxes.

2. When you have issues at work, he's your go-to coach.Your boss may be crazy intimidating, but your dad, with his decades of experience, knows how to relieve any tension. He'll take a look at that email draft, and he'll listen to you run through that presentation so you always give the best impression.
30 photos
3. He cheerleads for you, but not in a humiliating way.No matter what you take on at work or outside of it, your dad will always cheer you on from start to finish. And when something big happens — you get a promotion or an amazing award — he makes sure the whole family knows, slyly. That influx of family congratulations texts and calls that trickle in is all due to him.
4. No matter how hard it gets, he knows just how to calm you down.You may be freaked out and scared about all the crazy, overwhelming things going on in your life, but your dad knows just what to say to get you back on track. He helps you think rationally again like mAgIc*~*.
5. He's basically a free lawyer. Your dad knows money and health care and housing. He'll help you file taxes. He'll talk you through picking the best benefits package at work. He'll clear up any confusing language on leases and let you know when you're getting less than what you should.
6. He'll tell you point-blank if a friend or guy isn't worth your time. He won't sugarcoat it like your mom. If someone is mistreating you, he'll say directly that you're better off without them and you deserve more (and he's always right).
7. You look forward to family outings because you get to hang with him. Your extended family may be nuts, but he gets that they are too. So when you're both stuck at a family get-together that's lasting forever, you can rest assured you'll be entertained making sarcastic albeit loving jokes about your crazy relatives with him in the corner.
8. He'll defend you whenever there's any family drama. When things get heated between you and anyone else in the house, your dad will step in and play peacekeeper. He's your family's greatest referee (and a little biased to you because you're his favorite though he'd never publicly admit it).
9. He makes all those father-daughter dances fun, not cheesy. Or maybe cheesy-fun, but this makes family weddings so much better.
10. When he says he's proud of you, it always makes you cry. This may not sound like a good thing, but it totally is. He's not easy to impress so when he says he couldn't be more proud of all you've accomplished, your heart wells up — always has, always will.
New Report Shows Colleges Don't Know Their Own Domestic Violence Policies
Domestic violence cases are always appealing to me considering my background but especially for young adults. There seems to be a lack of knowledge about abuse in colleges and even military academies. It seems ridiculous that a college wouldn't know their own policies!!!
"One in three women has been in an abusive relationship in college, but college staffs aren't prepared to help."
U.S. Army Will Pay for Transgender Hormone Treatment for the First Time Ever
It'd be interesting to hear more about this. Considering the military's strict "Don't tell" policy, the fact that they are actually willing to help this person out is interesting.
My Partner Changed His Mind About Wanting Kids
While I personally want children, this article is very interesting. It's odd to see that woman not wanting kids while the man does. It's almost empowering in a way to see that it's become more and more acceptable for women to grow up and not be mothers. The fact that we live in an age where we have that choice and won't be shunned for it. Now, women can focus more on their careers and their goals - making themselves happy - and if having a child is part of that, then that is okay. Even have children single is much more acceptable. Women have been fighting for this for years - especially since the end of WWII - but now it's starting to actually happen. While the viewpoint is not entirely popular, it's growing and that's amazing.
While I personally want children, this article is very interesting. It's odd to see that woman not wanting kids while the man does. It's almost empowering in a way to see that it's become more and more acceptable for women to grow up and not be mothers. The fact that we live in an age where we have that choice and won't be shunned for it. Now, women can focus more on their careers and their goals - making themselves happy - and if having a child is part of that, then that is okay. Even have children single is much more acceptable. Women have been fighting for this for years - especially since the end of WWII - but now it's starting to actually happen. While the viewpoint is not entirely popular, it's growing and that's amazing.
12 Ways to Make Your Partner's Day Better in Less Than a Minute
1. Leave them a note on their pillow before they wake up. Waking up in the morning to the sound of the alarm is absolutely terrible. Waking up to a cute note from the person you love most? That's decidedly less terrible.
2. Send them a cute picture of the two of you together.You should have at least one. If you want to get really advanced, hold onto a few and don't send them over until your SO is having a crap day.
3. Give them a foot or back massage. You don't even have to be good at it. Back massages are like hugs: always appreciated as long as you don't do it really, really hard.
4. Have coffee ready for them in the morning. They're going to think you're really thoughtful, and all you had to do was wake up five minutes early and pour an extra mug.
5. Send them an invitation to date night. Grab tickets to a movie they want to see on Fandango or book a reservation at their favorite restaurant, and then send a mid-day email invite. Even if it's nothing fancy, having something to look forward to at the end of the day makes a shitty meeting infinitely better.
6. Walk into a room, give them a kiss, and then just leave. It's nice for your partner to know you're thinking about them even when you're busy. This one only works if you live together, though; otherwise it's more confusing to show up at their house and then just book it out of there after kissing them like you're in some kind of fugue state.
7. Have a bottle of wine and a movie ready to go when they get home. If you don't have wine on hand, just pop some popcorn or make a quick snack. If you have no snacks, it's probably time to go shopping.
8. Call them at work. No one calls each other anymore. Surprise them by giving them a quick phone call and let them know you care about them.
9. Send them a song that reminds you of them. Email a Youtube video or send it via Spotify; just make sure to screen the lyrics in advance. You might want to avoid sending Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You" and other songs that sound like heartfelt sentiment but are actually really, really sad in the end.
10. Dance with them spontaneously. Grab them, put on a song or hum one yourself, dance like you're at prom, and watch the smile spread across their face.
11. Have a peanut butter and jelly race. See who can make a sandwich faster. Take bets on the winner. Imagine you're in a rom-com because you're basically Julia Roberts and Richard Gere at this point.
12. Pick them a flower. Is this cheesy? Definitely. Just own the cheesiness. Even if they're laughing at you, at least they're laughing.
The Women Who Were Secretly Recorded by Their Gynecologist Are Getting a Huge Settlement
This is disgusting!!! People like this deserve so much worse than suicide!!! I wish he had been punished for what he had done!! Now all these women are terrified and scarred.
Arab-American Woman Kissing Jewish Man Selfie Goes Viral
"As violence unfolds in the Middle East, a photo of Sulome Anderson, a 29-year-old Arab-American woman, kissing her Jewish boyfriend on vacation is going viral."
Someone Help Me!!!!!!!!
I need help figuring out how to put more personality into this first chapter!!! Help!!!
Chapter One:
“Are you sure it’s going to be a good place to work, Roxanne? I mean, your interview lasted what, five minutes? And it was in a park. Maybe you should keep looking.” My mom’s voice on the other end of the phone was nagging, high pitched and proper as usual. I could just picture her in her bedroom with her legs crossed under a tight pencil skirt, pursing her lips and picking at her fingernails.
“Mom, it’s just for a summer, okay? And it’s a restaurant! It’s not my life long job. I’ve just gotta get my feet on the ground, you know, before I can dive head first into ’the real world’”. I licked the end of the cookie dough spoon I was holding, and dipped it back into the batter to finish mixing it before scooping it onto the tray waiting for it on the stove.
“You know honey, I think you should come back home. Sell the apartment, quit the job. Just come home for the summer and then we can figure out the rest of your life together. I just don’t like the idea of you going off alone. You’re only nineteen!”
“Mom, I’ve been out of high school for a year now, and I have no idea where I’m going with my life. I need this. I’ll call you tomorrow night, okay? After my first day, and I’ll tell you how it goes.”
“Okay, honey, but-”
I hung up before she had the chance to say anything else, and stuffed the phone into the drawer beside the stove. With the cookies spread across the pan, I pushed them into the stove, and snaked my way through the unpacked boxes to where the couch waited for me, half covered by clothing waiting to be hung.
My mom was blowing things out of proportion. Sure, this was the first time I had ever lived on my own. But I was going to be fine.
The distance ringing coming from the kitchen at first seemed to be just in my ears. But after a few seconds, I realized that it was probably coming from the drawer where I shoved the phone. I almost didn’t get up and grab it, but it had a tug that I hadn’t expected.
“Yes mom?”
“Oh honey, I know I just got off the phone with you, but I just wanted to remind you of one more thing, if you insist on staying over there.”
“Alright.” I said, taking in a big whiff of the cookies that were wafting in from out of the stove.
“I know you really love all of those earrings in your body, and all of that dark makeup and clothes, but I was hoping maybe for work, you might leave all that stuff at home-”
“Mom, I’m gonna dress how I always have.”
“Honey, here, you’re known as you know….a punk. You’re in Maine now! Why don’t you try and start a new image for yourself. At least that didn’t follow you from New York.”
“I like my clothes mom. I like my earrings. I like my makeup. I’m keeping it all. Thank you though, for the suggestion.” I hung up again, this time ripping the battery out of the back of the phone.
I yanked the cookies out of the oven, before they were even ready and dumped them into a Tupperware dish, stuffing that into the fridge.
I had been in this apartment for three days and only unpacked enough to cook and cloth me for a while. The space was big enough for me; a bathroom, a joint living room and kitchen, and a bedroom. My mom was paying the rent until I got enough to take up the bills, then I would start paying her back.
My mom had wanted me to go off to college as soon as I got out of high school and get a degree in medicine. I had passed high school with flying colors. I got all A’s in all my classes, took all honors and AP classes. I had to admit it, I had a bright future. But it was too bright. Being the youngest of five kids, I was the last chance my mom had at creating a successful child.
Not that my siblings weren’t successful. They just weren’t up to my mom’s standards. None of them had made it into meds school. Three of them were married with families, and the other was in school to be a beautician, but that still wasn’t enough. Mom needed her doctor, and for some reason, she thought she had found it in me, forgetting that I hated blood and people.
I should have been out looking around the town, getting used to it and finding where everything was. I didn’t even know where the nearest grocery store was. Except for looking for a job, I’d stayed at my apartment. The only reason I had found the restaurant was because it was only a few houses up the hill from me. If not out on the town, I should have been unpacking. But instead, I found myself clearing a human size hole from my bed and falling into it, promising I would relax for a few minutes and then get up and get to work.
Next thing I knew, the sun was streaming in on my face, and my stiff body was beginning to move, more by itself than by my command. I sat up straight, the glow of my alarm clock shocking. Nine in the morning! I couldn’t have slept that long. I had to be at work at ten!
I took the quickest shower of my life, dressed in my light blue jeans, black studded belt, charcoal black t-shirt, and added on my silver studded choke necklace. I also added silver hoop earrings and pushed in my black nose ring and snake bites. I brushed my dark black dyed hair out and used the hair dryer to dry it. My mom would have suggested using a hair clip to keep my bangs out of my eyes, but I liked them there. Having my hair up showed off to much of my face.
A whole caked on load of dark black and brown makeup later, I was ready for work. My black and green snake tattoo could just be seen peeking out from under the color of my shirt, the head resting on the jutting out heap of my collarbone. My mom and I had fought for weeks before I had made the appointment to get the tattoo done. She thought it signified sin. I tried explaining to her that it wasn’t supposed to mean that; it was about good vs. evil and plus snakes were my favorite animal. But to mom, there was no way it couldn’t be related to Adam and Eve.
I wasn’t used to the fresh air that I stepped out into when I walked out the front door. In New York City, my lungs would have been heaving right now, and my whole body clogged with smog. But here, I could hear the waves, I could see them, I could even feel their breeze. I could breath.
I walked slowly up the hill until I came to the tiny shack of a restaurant with the white and blue plaque above the front door announcing Craig’s Bites. The dining area was big enough for only two booths and two tables. The walls were painted with pictures of sunsets and dogs playing in the surf. There was even a picture painted in a corner of a girl laying out on a plaid blanket in a bright yellow string bikini.
There was no one at any of the tables or booths. I couldn’t see anyone from the front in the kitchen either, but it was three minutes of ten, so I moved the swinging half door aside, and walked back.
“Hello!” I called as I went.
“Come on back, honey!” A head rocked back into view out of the office door. It was a girl around my age. Her bright red hair was tied up in a sloppy bun atop her head, her bangs hanging sloppily down the side of her face.
“Oh, hi. I’m Roxy.”
“Yeah, I know who you are darling. Roxanna Jacobs, the new girl.” The red head shoved a hand out, tilting her head to the side. Her voice was deep and throaty, like someone who had smoked one too many cigarettes.
“Roxy, actually,” I corrected her, shaking her bony hand.
“Ellis.” The girl smiled brightly, hoping down from the desk she was sitting on and glancing around the otherwise empty office. She slipped her phone she was playing on back into her pocket, and headed back into the kitchen. “Everyone else will be back soon. Some of them are coming in late, others went out for some things. I was told to wait for you. So, tell me, how old were you when you first dyed your hair?”
“Excuse me?”
“Honey, come on. You can try to die your roots and eyebrows as much as you want, but they can’t fool me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s cute. I’m just curious.”
“I was fifteen.” I finally admitted, running a hand self-consciously through my already tussled, dried out hair. “Do you uh, do you dye yours?”
“Nope!” Ellis bopped up on her heels and placed her round bottom onto the counter, swinging long tan legs out from under her short pink mini skirt. “All natural. So, what brings you here to the little town of shit ville?”
My mouth fell open again, as I searched my head for an answer that wasn’t the truth. The truth sounded petty and stupid, even to me. That was if you didn’t know the situation, or my family. Thankfully, I was saved by a loud booming voice coming from the back room.
“I’m here!” A woman was calling out. “Elly! Elly, where the hell are you? I have things to tell you about last night! Remember that date I had with blonde buff guy? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!” The voice spelt out the word, her voice sing songy and somehow soothing, although it was squeaky and kind of nasally. Ellis didn’t answer, but waited for the girl to round the corner from the back door.
Her blonde hair was chopped into a pixie cut around her face, enhancing her beautifully smooth features. She was wearing a yellow and blue printed sundress that enhanced her curves; a bit more than curves, really. Her plump figure was held up by black heels, her lips covered in red lipstick.
“Ah, you must be Roxy. Alright if I call you that? Roxanne’s a mouth full.”
“Prefer it actually.”
“Great! Maggie’s the name. Waitressing’s the game.” Maggie patted me on the back before turning to Ellis. “Anyway, like I was saying. I orgasmed three times.”
“What? Please tell me you’re seeing him again?” Ellis gripped her long slender fingers down over one of Maggie’s wrists, holding her tightly next to her. Maggie scrunched up her nose.
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean, ‘I don’t know’. Mags, if I had a guy like that, I’d never leave his side. Are you losing your mind?”
“I just don’t think I can be in a relationship. I mean, I have three other phone numbers hanging on my wall. What if I don’t call them, Elly? I’ll never know if they’re the one.”
“But what if this….what, Liam…that was his name right, Liam guy, is the one?”
“I don’t think he is.” Maggie shook her head again, leaning up against the counter and examining a very used and bent up menu.
“What do you think Roxy? Do you think Liam could be the one?”
“Well, do you have a picture?” I held a hand out, expecting a phone to be plopped into it, but instead, Ellis reached behind herself to the counter and grabbed a magazine, landing that in my palm and pointing to a model standing by a surf board, flashing a brilliant smile and flaunting flawless abs.
“Liam mystery guy is a model?”
“Well, yeah, but so is the other guy I have a number from. There was a whole bus of them over here the other day. They had this shoot thingy.” Maggie grabbed the magazine back and gazed longingly at the picture. “He’s even better looking in person.” She sighed, running a finger over the paper.
“Okay, Mags, why don’t you go make sure the stove is hot.” Ellis rolled her eyes and yanked the magazine back, stuffing it into a drawer and hopping down from the counter. “Costumer’s usually start coming in around ten fifteen, Roxy. So, study the menu, k?”
“Is anyone else coming in to work?” I asked, grabbing the menu she shoved at me and opening it’s weak pages.
“Oh yeah, of coarse. Everyone works every day at some time. They’ll start filing in. No one’s ever on time.”
The pages in my hands weren’t just starting to fall apart; they were yellowed and the ink was smeared in places. Things were crossed out with sharpie and written over. The paper was taped in places.
“I like the menus.” I finally said, setting it down next to the register.
“You’re kidding?” Maggie scoffed, standing up from the crouched down position she had been in, lighting the stove. “Those things were alive when George Washington was still kicking.”
“Seriously. They add a nice touch.”
A bright white smile spread over Ellis’s face, from ear to ear, the corners almost getting lost in her shockingly red hair.
“Where did you come from, kid?” She finally asked, resting her hands on her hips. “I think we’ve hit the gold mine with this one, Mags.” Maggie nodded in agreement, though her back was still turned, this time as she cleaned over the surface of the grill and got some pans down from a shelf.
“What do you mean, hit the gold mine?” I raised an eyebrow, curious as to what that possibly could mean. How long had they been searching, what for, and why in hell was I it?
“Ellis, this stupid thing isn’t working right. It’s not hot enough to cook my finger, let alone this fucking soup Lena sent over last night. When in hell is Zeke gonna get here? I’d even settle for Phoenix right now.” Maggie spun around, knocking an empty pot off the stove and almost simultaneously taking out a tub of red and green soup.
“Did I hear someone praying to me?” The voice was coming from outside. No body seemed to be attached to it, but both Maggie and Ellis were starring at the same place; a small piece of brick between the window and the door. “Don’t worry meer mortals. You’re God has heard your pleas.” The voice continued, before a body finally emerged outside where they had been starring and swung open the screen door. “Should really close these windows, you know, ladies. It’s way to easy for people to eaves drop.”
“Zeke baby! Get over here and do your magic on this grill thingy.” Maggie whined to the man now tying an apron around his waist.
He was clearly older than any of us, telling by his aged features. His brown hair was almost blonde, but could still be qualifed as brown, as long as in the right light. He had a beard, a massive one that touched his chest, which was also massive. A black shirt pulled tight over the expanse.
“I’m coming sweetie. Don’t get your panties in a twist. Welcome to the party there honey! I’m Zeke. Head chef here. Also funnest Gay man around these parts. Know any single guys looking for a party?” It seemed as if all of this was out in one breath, all as Zeke was twirling in circles to reach Maggie, spinning around Ellis and I, and bending over to flick a switch and watch flames burst into light. “Yah never turn it far enough Mags. Never.”
“I’m Roxy. The new girl-” I started.
“Hey! Wait. Hold it! None of this new girl bullshit round here baby cakes. We’re all equal here, alright. You’re not new, I’m not old. Those snake bites aren’t ugly and neither is my beard. One and only rule we’ve got here babe. No judging.” Zeke’s eyes were boring into mine. I could almost feel the heat radiating off from his body. Suddenly, he had gotten so fierce so quickly, and the beard was no longer comical.
“Got it.” I spoke solidly I hoped. I felt as if my voice might have been quaking, but it was all I could do not to faint against the counter I was now holding onto for support. “Please tell me there are no more surprises here. I don’t know how much more I can take. My mornings are never this eventful.”
“Sorry if I scared you there doll. I just take my rules seriously.” Zeke clapped a hand on my shoulder, before it was replaced by Ellis’s much tinier one.
“I’d take a seat if I were you, Roxy. The surprises haven’t even begun.”
Chapter One:
“Are you sure it’s going to be a good place to work, Roxanne? I mean, your interview lasted what, five minutes? And it was in a park. Maybe you should keep looking.” My mom’s voice on the other end of the phone was nagging, high pitched and proper as usual. I could just picture her in her bedroom with her legs crossed under a tight pencil skirt, pursing her lips and picking at her fingernails.
“Mom, it’s just for a summer, okay? And it’s a restaurant! It’s not my life long job. I’ve just gotta get my feet on the ground, you know, before I can dive head first into ’the real world’”. I licked the end of the cookie dough spoon I was holding, and dipped it back into the batter to finish mixing it before scooping it onto the tray waiting for it on the stove.
“You know honey, I think you should come back home. Sell the apartment, quit the job. Just come home for the summer and then we can figure out the rest of your life together. I just don’t like the idea of you going off alone. You’re only nineteen!”
“Mom, I’ve been out of high school for a year now, and I have no idea where I’m going with my life. I need this. I’ll call you tomorrow night, okay? After my first day, and I’ll tell you how it goes.”
“Okay, honey, but-”
I hung up before she had the chance to say anything else, and stuffed the phone into the drawer beside the stove. With the cookies spread across the pan, I pushed them into the stove, and snaked my way through the unpacked boxes to where the couch waited for me, half covered by clothing waiting to be hung.
My mom was blowing things out of proportion. Sure, this was the first time I had ever lived on my own. But I was going to be fine.
The distance ringing coming from the kitchen at first seemed to be just in my ears. But after a few seconds, I realized that it was probably coming from the drawer where I shoved the phone. I almost didn’t get up and grab it, but it had a tug that I hadn’t expected.
“Yes mom?”
“Oh honey, I know I just got off the phone with you, but I just wanted to remind you of one more thing, if you insist on staying over there.”
“Alright.” I said, taking in a big whiff of the cookies that were wafting in from out of the stove.
“I know you really love all of those earrings in your body, and all of that dark makeup and clothes, but I was hoping maybe for work, you might leave all that stuff at home-”
“Mom, I’m gonna dress how I always have.”
“Honey, here, you’re known as you know….a punk. You’re in Maine now! Why don’t you try and start a new image for yourself. At least that didn’t follow you from New York.”
“I like my clothes mom. I like my earrings. I like my makeup. I’m keeping it all. Thank you though, for the suggestion.” I hung up again, this time ripping the battery out of the back of the phone.
I yanked the cookies out of the oven, before they were even ready and dumped them into a Tupperware dish, stuffing that into the fridge.
I had been in this apartment for three days and only unpacked enough to cook and cloth me for a while. The space was big enough for me; a bathroom, a joint living room and kitchen, and a bedroom. My mom was paying the rent until I got enough to take up the bills, then I would start paying her back.
My mom had wanted me to go off to college as soon as I got out of high school and get a degree in medicine. I had passed high school with flying colors. I got all A’s in all my classes, took all honors and AP classes. I had to admit it, I had a bright future. But it was too bright. Being the youngest of five kids, I was the last chance my mom had at creating a successful child.
Not that my siblings weren’t successful. They just weren’t up to my mom’s standards. None of them had made it into meds school. Three of them were married with families, and the other was in school to be a beautician, but that still wasn’t enough. Mom needed her doctor, and for some reason, she thought she had found it in me, forgetting that I hated blood and people.
I should have been out looking around the town, getting used to it and finding where everything was. I didn’t even know where the nearest grocery store was. Except for looking for a job, I’d stayed at my apartment. The only reason I had found the restaurant was because it was only a few houses up the hill from me. If not out on the town, I should have been unpacking. But instead, I found myself clearing a human size hole from my bed and falling into it, promising I would relax for a few minutes and then get up and get to work.
Next thing I knew, the sun was streaming in on my face, and my stiff body was beginning to move, more by itself than by my command. I sat up straight, the glow of my alarm clock shocking. Nine in the morning! I couldn’t have slept that long. I had to be at work at ten!
I took the quickest shower of my life, dressed in my light blue jeans, black studded belt, charcoal black t-shirt, and added on my silver studded choke necklace. I also added silver hoop earrings and pushed in my black nose ring and snake bites. I brushed my dark black dyed hair out and used the hair dryer to dry it. My mom would have suggested using a hair clip to keep my bangs out of my eyes, but I liked them there. Having my hair up showed off to much of my face.
A whole caked on load of dark black and brown makeup later, I was ready for work. My black and green snake tattoo could just be seen peeking out from under the color of my shirt, the head resting on the jutting out heap of my collarbone. My mom and I had fought for weeks before I had made the appointment to get the tattoo done. She thought it signified sin. I tried explaining to her that it wasn’t supposed to mean that; it was about good vs. evil and plus snakes were my favorite animal. But to mom, there was no way it couldn’t be related to Adam and Eve.
I wasn’t used to the fresh air that I stepped out into when I walked out the front door. In New York City, my lungs would have been heaving right now, and my whole body clogged with smog. But here, I could hear the waves, I could see them, I could even feel their breeze. I could breath.
I walked slowly up the hill until I came to the tiny shack of a restaurant with the white and blue plaque above the front door announcing Craig’s Bites. The dining area was big enough for only two booths and two tables. The walls were painted with pictures of sunsets and dogs playing in the surf. There was even a picture painted in a corner of a girl laying out on a plaid blanket in a bright yellow string bikini.
There was no one at any of the tables or booths. I couldn’t see anyone from the front in the kitchen either, but it was three minutes of ten, so I moved the swinging half door aside, and walked back.
“Hello!” I called as I went.
“Come on back, honey!” A head rocked back into view out of the office door. It was a girl around my age. Her bright red hair was tied up in a sloppy bun atop her head, her bangs hanging sloppily down the side of her face.
“Oh, hi. I’m Roxy.”
“Yeah, I know who you are darling. Roxanna Jacobs, the new girl.” The red head shoved a hand out, tilting her head to the side. Her voice was deep and throaty, like someone who had smoked one too many cigarettes.
“Roxy, actually,” I corrected her, shaking her bony hand.
“Ellis.” The girl smiled brightly, hoping down from the desk she was sitting on and glancing around the otherwise empty office. She slipped her phone she was playing on back into her pocket, and headed back into the kitchen. “Everyone else will be back soon. Some of them are coming in late, others went out for some things. I was told to wait for you. So, tell me, how old were you when you first dyed your hair?”
“Excuse me?”
“Honey, come on. You can try to die your roots and eyebrows as much as you want, but they can’t fool me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s cute. I’m just curious.”
“I was fifteen.” I finally admitted, running a hand self-consciously through my already tussled, dried out hair. “Do you uh, do you dye yours?”
“Nope!” Ellis bopped up on her heels and placed her round bottom onto the counter, swinging long tan legs out from under her short pink mini skirt. “All natural. So, what brings you here to the little town of shit ville?”
My mouth fell open again, as I searched my head for an answer that wasn’t the truth. The truth sounded petty and stupid, even to me. That was if you didn’t know the situation, or my family. Thankfully, I was saved by a loud booming voice coming from the back room.
“I’m here!” A woman was calling out. “Elly! Elly, where the hell are you? I have things to tell you about last night! Remember that date I had with blonde buff guy? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!” The voice spelt out the word, her voice sing songy and somehow soothing, although it was squeaky and kind of nasally. Ellis didn’t answer, but waited for the girl to round the corner from the back door.
Her blonde hair was chopped into a pixie cut around her face, enhancing her beautifully smooth features. She was wearing a yellow and blue printed sundress that enhanced her curves; a bit more than curves, really. Her plump figure was held up by black heels, her lips covered in red lipstick.
“Ah, you must be Roxy. Alright if I call you that? Roxanne’s a mouth full.”
“Prefer it actually.”
“Great! Maggie’s the name. Waitressing’s the game.” Maggie patted me on the back before turning to Ellis. “Anyway, like I was saying. I orgasmed three times.”
“What? Please tell me you’re seeing him again?” Ellis gripped her long slender fingers down over one of Maggie’s wrists, holding her tightly next to her. Maggie scrunched up her nose.
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean, ‘I don’t know’. Mags, if I had a guy like that, I’d never leave his side. Are you losing your mind?”
“I just don’t think I can be in a relationship. I mean, I have three other phone numbers hanging on my wall. What if I don’t call them, Elly? I’ll never know if they’re the one.”
“But what if this….what, Liam…that was his name right, Liam guy, is the one?”
“I don’t think he is.” Maggie shook her head again, leaning up against the counter and examining a very used and bent up menu.
“What do you think Roxy? Do you think Liam could be the one?”
“Well, do you have a picture?” I held a hand out, expecting a phone to be plopped into it, but instead, Ellis reached behind herself to the counter and grabbed a magazine, landing that in my palm and pointing to a model standing by a surf board, flashing a brilliant smile and flaunting flawless abs.
“Liam mystery guy is a model?”
“Well, yeah, but so is the other guy I have a number from. There was a whole bus of them over here the other day. They had this shoot thingy.” Maggie grabbed the magazine back and gazed longingly at the picture. “He’s even better looking in person.” She sighed, running a finger over the paper.
“Okay, Mags, why don’t you go make sure the stove is hot.” Ellis rolled her eyes and yanked the magazine back, stuffing it into a drawer and hopping down from the counter. “Costumer’s usually start coming in around ten fifteen, Roxy. So, study the menu, k?”
“Is anyone else coming in to work?” I asked, grabbing the menu she shoved at me and opening it’s weak pages.
“Oh yeah, of coarse. Everyone works every day at some time. They’ll start filing in. No one’s ever on time.”
The pages in my hands weren’t just starting to fall apart; they were yellowed and the ink was smeared in places. Things were crossed out with sharpie and written over. The paper was taped in places.
“I like the menus.” I finally said, setting it down next to the register.
“You’re kidding?” Maggie scoffed, standing up from the crouched down position she had been in, lighting the stove. “Those things were alive when George Washington was still kicking.”
“Seriously. They add a nice touch.”
A bright white smile spread over Ellis’s face, from ear to ear, the corners almost getting lost in her shockingly red hair.
“Where did you come from, kid?” She finally asked, resting her hands on her hips. “I think we’ve hit the gold mine with this one, Mags.” Maggie nodded in agreement, though her back was still turned, this time as she cleaned over the surface of the grill and got some pans down from a shelf.
“What do you mean, hit the gold mine?” I raised an eyebrow, curious as to what that possibly could mean. How long had they been searching, what for, and why in hell was I it?
“Ellis, this stupid thing isn’t working right. It’s not hot enough to cook my finger, let alone this fucking soup Lena sent over last night. When in hell is Zeke gonna get here? I’d even settle for Phoenix right now.” Maggie spun around, knocking an empty pot off the stove and almost simultaneously taking out a tub of red and green soup.
“Did I hear someone praying to me?” The voice was coming from outside. No body seemed to be attached to it, but both Maggie and Ellis were starring at the same place; a small piece of brick between the window and the door. “Don’t worry meer mortals. You’re God has heard your pleas.” The voice continued, before a body finally emerged outside where they had been starring and swung open the screen door. “Should really close these windows, you know, ladies. It’s way to easy for people to eaves drop.”
“Zeke baby! Get over here and do your magic on this grill thingy.” Maggie whined to the man now tying an apron around his waist.
He was clearly older than any of us, telling by his aged features. His brown hair was almost blonde, but could still be qualifed as brown, as long as in the right light. He had a beard, a massive one that touched his chest, which was also massive. A black shirt pulled tight over the expanse.
“I’m coming sweetie. Don’t get your panties in a twist. Welcome to the party there honey! I’m Zeke. Head chef here. Also funnest Gay man around these parts. Know any single guys looking for a party?” It seemed as if all of this was out in one breath, all as Zeke was twirling in circles to reach Maggie, spinning around Ellis and I, and bending over to flick a switch and watch flames burst into light. “Yah never turn it far enough Mags. Never.”
“I’m Roxy. The new girl-” I started.
“Hey! Wait. Hold it! None of this new girl bullshit round here baby cakes. We’re all equal here, alright. You’re not new, I’m not old. Those snake bites aren’t ugly and neither is my beard. One and only rule we’ve got here babe. No judging.” Zeke’s eyes were boring into mine. I could almost feel the heat radiating off from his body. Suddenly, he had gotten so fierce so quickly, and the beard was no longer comical.
“Got it.” I spoke solidly I hoped. I felt as if my voice might have been quaking, but it was all I could do not to faint against the counter I was now holding onto for support. “Please tell me there are no more surprises here. I don’t know how much more I can take. My mornings are never this eventful.”
“Sorry if I scared you there doll. I just take my rules seriously.” Zeke clapped a hand on my shoulder, before it was replaced by Ellis’s much tinier one.
“I’d take a seat if I were you, Roxy. The surprises haven’t even begun.”
12 Unexpected Things Men Find Sexy
1. Casual stretching. Whether it's right before you get out of bed or when you're trying to get rid of a charley horse during CrossFit, stretching is any guy's kryptonite. There's something very flattering about a woman loosening up her muscles.
2. Sweat. You might think sweat is gross, but women glistening with sweat is immensely appealing. Even if you're dripping and disheveled, all we see is glistening.
3. Jiggling. As unflattering as all your jiggly bits might feel to you, men really appreciate a body in motion. Own it.
4. Women getting mad. There is zero scientific explanation as to why men love an angry woman. It's not something that can be understood. There's something primal about a fighting woman that sends neurons fighting in dormant parts of our brain, maybe? Who knows, let's move on.
5. Messy, unkempt hair. There might be a lot of effort that goes into your hairstyle, but there's something innately sexy about looking like you DGAF.
6. Shooting guns. This isn't about pacifism or gun rights. Men love things that are destructive and loud. They love women. This is a match made in heaven.
7. Flannel. A flannel shirt paired with a tank top will make any man lose his mind. But too much flannel is a problem. If you dress in all flannel, the magic is gone.
8. Baseball caps. Bonus points if the woman under it is a sports fan. This is a scientifically adorable look on any woman.
9. Basically, dressing like a man. What is going on here? I'm not sure what this means, I just know I wasn't not the only one feeling it when Keira Knightley dressed like a boy pirate in Pirates of the Caribbean.
10. Seductive eating. Bananas aren't sexy. Men eating bananas aren't sexy. Women eating bananas? Suddenly sexy.
11. Instruments. It doesn't matter what instrument a woman plays, but it makes them 10 times hotter. Whether you're rocking a rhythm on a washboard or plucking out a song on a banjo, your hotness level just skyrocketed.
12. Stripper poles. Why do men flock to stripper poles? What is it about a woman giving herself the spins that's attractive? These aren't hypothetical questions; I'm legitimately asking.
Actress Sued for Refusing to Do a Nude Scene
This is absolutely ridiculous!!!! Isn't this violating all rights!!!! It's disgusting!!!
Though, if she did sign a contract that stated she would be put in situations like this, then that's her fault for not reading the fine print. If she got cold feet, it could've been detrimental to her career but Cinemax should've been okay with it.
Though, if she did sign a contract that stated she would be put in situations like this, then that's her fault for not reading the fine print. If she got cold feet, it could've been detrimental to her career but Cinemax should've been okay with it.
17 Most Naked Fashion Ads of All Time
My favs:
4. Abercrombie & Fitch (Just a little lower ;) )
5. Gilly Hicks (I wish I was the model i the top right!!! Look at those asses!!!)
7. Calvin Klein (They never make bad ads!!! But Mark Wahlberg!!! Aghhh!!! So Sexy!!!)
9. Tom Ford (I just love the promiscuity in it and the perfect placement)
13. David Yardman (though I don't envy that poor model who lays naked in the sand)
4. Abercrombie & Fitch (Just a little lower ;) )
5. Gilly Hicks (I wish I was the model i the top right!!! Look at those asses!!!)
7. Calvin Klein (They never make bad ads!!! But Mark Wahlberg!!! Aghhh!!! So Sexy!!!)
9. Tom Ford (I just love the promiscuity in it and the perfect placement)
13. David Yardman (though I don't envy that poor model who lays naked in the sand)
Another Texas Abortion Clinic Closes Its Doors
Personally, I believe in the pro-choice side of the argument. Anyone who argues for the pro-life side of the argument - while having some valid points - does not consider many factors that come along with pregnancy. Never being pregnant I could never tell you how it feels to be in that situation but there were moments after have unprotected sex that I was afraid I could've been pregnant and was very thankful for contraceptives. I'm only 17 and I know that I couldn't deal with having a child at this age. Many people would say to that, well don't have sex then, but that's not always the solution. I've obviously, like all other teens, gone through phases where I wanted to try new things and explore life. Teenagers - and anyone else who wants it - should be able to receive help medically in any way whether it be through receiving contraceptives from their physician or having an abortion.
Another thought to consider is that there are many women out there who can't physically carry fetuses. To carry a baby in the womb could be detrimental to them or turn out in a miscarriage anyway leaving the mother - and father possibly - in a state of grief. When it's needed to keep a mother safe, abortion should never be questioned.
The fact that organizations like these in Texas are being shut down is heartbreaking. By closing these facilities, many women will lose the health care that they need. Many of these clinics are also more affordable and easier to work with that larger facilities that the state allows. During a time like this, have a safe, comfortable environment is important and not having to worry about outrageous hospital bills is also a plus.
Personally, I believe in the pro-choice side of the argument. Anyone who argues for the pro-life side of the argument - while having some valid points - does not consider many factors that come along with pregnancy. Never being pregnant I could never tell you how it feels to be in that situation but there were moments after have unprotected sex that I was afraid I could've been pregnant and was very thankful for contraceptives. I'm only 17 and I know that I couldn't deal with having a child at this age. Many people would say to that, well don't have sex then, but that's not always the solution. I've obviously, like all other teens, gone through phases where I wanted to try new things and explore life. Teenagers - and anyone else who wants it - should be able to receive help medically in any way whether it be through receiving contraceptives from their physician or having an abortion.
Another thought to consider is that there are many women out there who can't physically carry fetuses. To carry a baby in the womb could be detrimental to them or turn out in a miscarriage anyway leaving the mother - and father possibly - in a state of grief. When it's needed to keep a mother safe, abortion should never be questioned.
The fact that organizations like these in Texas are being shut down is heartbreaking. By closing these facilities, many women will lose the health care that they need. Many of these clinics are also more affordable and easier to work with that larger facilities that the state allows. During a time like this, have a safe, comfortable environment is important and not having to worry about outrageous hospital bills is also a plus.
Joe Nichols - Yeah Lyrics
Artist: Joe Nichols
Album: Crickets
It was just another night in the hayfield
'Till she climbed down off of them four wheels, yeah, yeah
Soon as that sundress hit the headlights
Every tailgate way out there was like yeah, yeah
She started walking over to me
Like she already knew me
Sat down right beside me
And asked if I was here alone
And I said yeah, yeah
Like I was nodding right along to a song on the radio
Yeah, yeah
Girl, how could I say no?
Whatever you're drinking, that's what I'm drinking
Girl, you're calling the shots tonight
Whatever you're thinking, that's what I'm thinking
Tell me what you got in mind
So I can say yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
Se brought me a cup and I tried it
A little fruity but she asked if I liked it
So I said yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Then she played me some band on her iPod
Kinda hit me kinda hippie and I thought, naw
But I said yeah, yeah, yeah
She said you wanna take a walk
To the river maybe cool off
She said I know a good spot
And then she took my hand
And I said yeah, yeah
Like I was nodding right along to a song on the radio
Yeah, yeah
Girl, how could I say no?
Whatever you're drinking, that's what I'm drinking
Girl, you're calling the shots tonight
Whatever you're thinking, that's what I'm thinking
Tell me what you got in mind
So I can say yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
A little later under that full moon
I didn't want the night to end too soon
I said it's getting late, do you need to go?
And she said no
I was like, yeah, yeah,
Like I was nodding right along to a song on the radio
Yeah, yeah,
Girl, if you say so
Whatever you're drinking, that's what I'm drinking
Girl, you're calling the shots tonight
Whatever you're thinking, that's what I'm thinking
Tell me what you got in mind
So I can say yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
Soon as that sundress hit the headlights
Every tailgate way out there was like yeah, yeah
She started walking over to me
Like she already knew me
Sat down right beside me
And asked if I was here alone
And I said yeah, yeah
Like I was nodding right along to a song on the radio
Yeah, yeah
Girl, how could I say no?
Whatever you're drinking, that's what I'm drinking
Girl, you're calling the shots tonight
Whatever you're thinking, that's what I'm thinking
Tell me what you got in mind
So I can say yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
Se brought me a cup and I tried it
A little fruity but she asked if I liked it
So I said yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Then she played me some band on her iPod
Kinda hit me kinda hippie and I thought, naw
But I said yeah, yeah, yeah
She said you wanna take a walk
To the river maybe cool off
She said I know a good spot
And then she took my hand
And I said yeah, yeah
Like I was nodding right along to a song on the radio
Yeah, yeah
Girl, how could I say no?
Whatever you're drinking, that's what I'm drinking
Girl, you're calling the shots tonight
Whatever you're thinking, that's what I'm thinking
Tell me what you got in mind
So I can say yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
A little later under that full moon
I didn't want the night to end too soon
I said it's getting late, do you need to go?
And she said no
I was like, yeah, yeah,
Like I was nodding right along to a song on the radio
Yeah, yeah,
Girl, if you say so
Whatever you're drinking, that's what I'm drinking
Girl, you're calling the shots tonight
Whatever you're thinking, that's what I'm thinking
Tell me what you got in mind
So I can say yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
9 Ways to Make a Good Impression on His Parents in Less Than a Minute
1. Bring anything to dinner. You don't need to freak out and cook eight different desserts to wheel over to their house the first time you have dinner with your boyfriend's family, just don't show up empty-handed. Bring a bottle or two of your favorite wine, and if you don't have a favorite wine, just grab whatever is $15 and say it's your favorite.

2. Mention something you know they like. Suss out one thing you have in common with them from your boyfriend, and bring it up early. Maybe your parents thought family dinner was important or you've both traveled to the same place or you know a tiny bit about golf. They'll just be relieved to have something to talk about with you.
3. Share a fun story about a time you influenced their son to do something. You want a story that shows your opinion is important to him, without coming off as pushy or controlling. GOOD: "I got Dylan to finally try Brussels sprouts." BAD: "I got Dylan to shave his head and get a tattoo of the elder god Cthulhu and join my cult."
4. Touch your boyfriend's arm lovingly. A hand on his shoulder shows you love him. A hand on his ass shows that you are currently extremely horny for their son. You don't want his family thinking your whole relationship is based on sex, even if that's true.
5. Get in good with the pets. Unless you're deathly allergic to cat hair, make sure the pets love you. If they have a dog, then for the next two hours you're in that house, you are a dog person. Most people with pets like you if their pets like you, which is dumb because pets are stupid and really easy to impress.
6. Ask what your boyfriend was like when he was younger. People love to talk about themselves and their families. Fact. Other fact: Parents love embarrassing their kids.
7. Compliment their other kids. Kids are like smarter pets. Make sure your boyfriend's siblings don't get overlooked. If you make a great impression on the parents but the little brother is saying, "I didn't like her," the moment the door shuts behind you, you might as well have shown up in a garbage bag and broke all their fine china.
8. Take your shoes off. Even if they tell you to keep them on, at least you tried. Manners are fancy.
9. Speak up immediately. Don't stare at your boyfriend and let him do all the talking for you. Assert your personality. That doesn't mean you have to kick their door down and scream, "Hello, future in-laws!" Just make sure you put yourself out there enough that they get a sense of who you are. Silence is creepy.
The 12 Best Things About Having a Brother
1. He shuts down creepers immediately. It doesn't matter where you're going. Whether it's out out or just into town for ice cream, your brother's first instinct is to protect you. Creepers, beware: "Yeah, excuse me, are you talking to my sister? I didn't think so."

2. Instead of being a passive-aggressive little snot, you are able to be up-front with him. "Yo, it's really not cool that you hit a tennis ball into my side mirror, but you're just going to fix the car like a big boy so I don't have to tell mom and dad, right? OK, great."
3. Guess who's always down to take shots when your friends bail? Your #CoolKid brother who can handle his liquor way better than you can, that's who!
4. If you really need to talk about a weird bathroom problem, he's your dude. Some things are just too strange to discuss with anyone else. Your friend doesn't want to hear it, you can't tell your coworkers, but your brother gets it.
5. He can reach the plates on the highest shelf when you need to eat mac and cheese immediately. He's not even angry when you tell him it's an emergency, as long as you share.
6. You never need to hire a mover because he can carry big, heavy things. As long as he can crash on your couch whenever he needs (see No. 3), you've got your very own Human U-Haul for life.
7. During Important Sports Things, he will feed you facts. When everyone pretended to care about that World Cup thing and you had nothing to contribute, he explained to you how there were other talented people besides Cristiano Ronaldo. "Oh, you haven't heard aboutDempsey? Ha!" It is times like these that you understand the true meaning of teamwork.
8. It's so sweet when he and your boyfriend bond. There's something about your two favorite boys in the whole world texting about what kinds of weight they're lifting these days that just warms your heart forever. It almost feels like sisterhood. Almost.
9. He is a rational human being when your mom is ~*NuTs. He'll tell you immediately when you are maaaybe overreacting to something your parents said to you, but he's always the first to agree that omg she needs to stop with the #TBTing on Facebook, like, now.
10. It's fun to watch him turn into a gentleman. Whether he's older or younger than you, he wants to make sure you are treated right. Whether that means paying for dinner or asking for girl advice, he'll come straight to you.
11. He's always honest. It's more like he doesn't have a filter, but if you really want to know what you look like in that dress, your brother is happy to tell you. "Wait, why are you calling it 'freakum'? Did you mean freaky? That dress is effing freaky."
12. He has good-looking guy friends. By the time you've actually realized they're good-looking, they're old enough to date! Plus, if they're friends with your brother, you know they're solid. He'll only be a little bit weirded out at first. He'll get over it.
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