Thursday, July 31, 2014

Another Texas Abortion Clinic Closes Its Doors


Personally, I believe in the pro-choice side of the argument. Anyone who argues for the pro-life side of the argument - while having some valid points - does not consider many factors that come along with pregnancy. Never being pregnant I could never tell you how it feels to be in that situation but there were moments after have unprotected sex that I was afraid I could've been pregnant and was very thankful for contraceptives. I'm only 17 and I know that I couldn't deal with having a child at this age. Many people would say to that, well don't have sex then, but that's not always the solution. I've obviously, like all other teens, gone through phases where I wanted to try new things and explore life. Teenagers - and anyone else who wants it - should be able to receive help medically in any way whether it be through receiving contraceptives from their physician or having an abortion.

Another thought to consider is that there are many women out there who can't physically carry fetuses. To carry a baby in the womb could be detrimental to them or turn out in a miscarriage anyway leaving the mother - and father possibly - in a state of grief. When it's needed to keep a mother safe, abortion should never be questioned.

The fact that organizations like these in Texas are being shut down is heartbreaking. By closing these facilities, many women will lose the health care that they need. Many of these clinics are also more affordable and easier to work with that larger facilities that the state allows. During a time like this, have a safe, comfortable environment is important and not having to worry about outrageous hospital bills is also a plus.

1 comment:

  1. Now this makes me happy!!!! After much struggle in Mississippi, the state granted that one abortion clinic could stay open.

    "In evaluating the question of whether the Mississippi law was unduly burdensome, it looked at Mississippi alone, saying the presence of out-of-state clinics should be irrelevant to the question of whether a state's own laws limited a constitutional right in that state. The court concluded that "a state cannot lean on its sovereign neighbors to provide protection of its citizens' federal constitutional rights.""

    "While this decision is limited to this particular clinic, it strikes an important blow to the common argument that one state's abortion restrictions are constitutional because women can obtain abortions across state lines, an argument Rikelman says she's heard in cases outside of Mississippi."


    This is one of the doctors who helped to keep the clinic running: Dr. Willie Parker!

